The Frankfurt School and Hugh Hefner
To say that a figure of the past is “good” or “bad” is not just oversimplification, it’s an intellectual cliche that lingers on boredom. Undeniably, Hugh Hefner will go down in history as an incredibly controversial figure. For many people, he deserves praise for his role in the sexual revolution. For others, he was simply an abusive creep. Much can be said about Hugh Hefner’s degradation of women that is awfully true in more respects than most people would like to admit.However, if the critical theorists of the Frankfurt School taught us anything, it’s that society and culture have been so mutilated by the routines and pressures of late capitalism, that the shortcomings of imperfect individuals within the culture industry are more importantly reflections of widespread social sicknesses, such as the ideology of male supremacy.
Immerhin in einem radikalen Magazin wird Hugh Hefners nicht hagiografisch gedacht, sondern seine Rolle als Büttel des Kapitals, der Macho-Kultur, der Frauenverdinglichung, der Zu- und Abrichtung, reflektiert. Zeit scheint vergesslich zu machen. In einigen "Qualitätsmedien" wird Hefner als Held gepriesen, als Vorkämpfer der sexuellen Freiheit, entgegen aller Belege seines aktiven Verdummungsbeitrags in der Stärkung der Frau als Sexualabjektes, stets dienstbar, gebrauchsfertig für den geilen Mann, dessen Triebstruktur usw. usf.
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