Dialog auf höchster Ebene – eine Auswahl von Literaten-Interviews aus der «Paris Review»
Michael Schmitt in der NZZ vom 12.11.2011:
Die 1953 gegründete «Paris Review» will Literatur auf hohem Niveau vermitteln. Interviews mit namhaften Autorinnen und Autoren dienen dabei als Lockspeise für ein grösseres Publikum. Eine Auswahl dieser Gespräche liegt nun auf Deutsch vor.
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Zwischen 2006 und 2009 erschienen The Paris Review Interviews I to IV:
The Paris Review Interviews, I
Picador, 2006
Paperback; 510 pages
The first volume in the new four-volume selection of The Paris Review interviews, with an introduction by Philip Gourevitch. The book features interviews with:
Dorothy Parker

Ernest Hemingway
T. S. Eliot
Saul Bellow
Jorge Luis Borges
Kurt Vonnegut
James M. Cain
Rebecca West
Elizabeth Bishop
Robert Stone
Robert Gottlieb
Richard Price
Billy Wilder
Jack Gilbert
Joan Didion
The New York Times calls The Paris Review interviews “the most remarkable and extensive interviewing project we possess” and the Times Literary Supplement of London says, "This book will intrigue and delight any serious reader or writer. It may even inspire.”
The Paris Review Interviews, II
Picador, 2007
Paperback; 512 pages
The second volume in the new four-volume selection of The Paris Review interviews, with an introduction by Orhan Pamuk. The book features interviews with:

James Thurber
William Faulkner
Robert Lowell
I. B. Singer
Eudora Welty
John Gardner
William Gaddis
Philip Larkin
James Baldwin
Gabriel García Márquez
Harold Bloom
Toni Morrison
Alice Munro
Peter Carey
Stephen King
The Paris Review Interviews, III
Picador, 2008
Paperback; 446 pages
The third volume in the new four-volume selection of The Paris Review interviews, with an introduction by Margaret Atwood. The book features interviews with:

Georges Simenon
Isak Dinesen
Evelyn Waugh
Ted Hughes
Harold Pinter
John Cheever
Chinua Achebe
Jean Rhys
Raymond Carver
William Carlos Williams
Joyce Carol Oates
Jan Morris
Martin Amis
Salman Rushdie
Norman Mailer
The Paris Review Interviews, IV
Picador, 2009
Paperback; 478 pages
The final volume in the new four-volume selection of The Paris Review interviews, with an introduction by Salman Rushdie. The book features interviews with:
William Styron
Marianne Moore

Jack Kerouac
E. B. White
P. G. Wodehouse
John Ashbery
Philip Roth
Maya Angelou
Stephen Sondheim
V. S. Naipaul
Paul Auster
Haruki Murakami
Orhan Pamuk
David Grossman
Marilynne Robinson
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